Top Counselling Services in Dehradun, Uttarakhand,IN

Top Counselling Services in Dehradun, Uttarakhand,IN


Awards and Honour

Awards presented to founding Director Dr. Devinder Dhalla(HC) for providing his continuous support in the field of Professional Counselling.


Honored and Awarded by the Youth Icon - 40 Leaders under 40

👉 Recognized and Honored as "The Youth Icon - 40 Leaders under 40" in 2023 for working best in the field of Counselling Psychology" by Former Central cabinet Minister,Former Education Minister,Former Chief Minister Uttarakhand and the current member of Parliament Haridwar constituency Hon. Dr. Ramesh Nishank Pokhriyal ji.

Honored by Achiever's Award 2019 

👉 Awarded "Achiever's Award 2019" by Hon. (Former) Chief Minister of Uttarakhand.

Received one more Degree in Psychology 

Honorable Higher education Minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat (Uttarakhand Government) presenting Degree in Psychology to Dr. D. Dhalla.

Awarded by Uttarakhand Ratana 2019

👉 Awarded "Uttarakhand Ratana 2019" by Hon. Mayor of Dehradun.

Honored " Swarnajyoti Mahasamman Award 2021"  

👉 Honored "Swarnajyoti Mahasamman Award 2021" by "Jagadguru Shankracharya Swami Swarupa Nand Ji Maharaj".  

" True Allegiance" for Society 

👉 Honored by SMD, UTTARAKHAND for "Performing Outstanding Social Services" & having "True allegiance for society".

 Certification by SPECS Dehradun

"ROLE OF COMMUNICATION FOR SPECIAL EDUCATORS" - Programme initiated by SPECS Dehradun and jointly collaborated by UOU. 

Certification by the hands of Chief Education Officer, Dehradun - Uttarakhand

Special workshop of Special Educators

Certified by UOU & NIEPVD with joint collaboration of USERC, Government of India 

Received Certification in Specialized workshop organized UOU & NIEPVD with Joint collaboration of USERC, Government of India. A workshop for understanding pedagogy of Science and Mathematics, challenges and adaptation in context to Intellectual Disability.

Honored for having " True Allegiance" for Society 

👉  Honored by GUS, UTTARAKHAND for "Performing Outstanding Social Services" & having "True allegiance for society" 

  Honored as " GOLD MEDALIST" 


👉 Titled Honorable "GOLD MEDALIST" presented & honored by "Uttarakhand Psychological Association (2021)".  

Awarded for Serving the Society

Honored for having the true allegiance for the society.

 Internationally Certified Mental Health Ambassador.

👉 Internationally "Certified Mental Health Ambassador".

Awarded for being "Corona Warrior"

👉 Honored by Hon. V.P (BJP) Mr Anil Goyal & Hon. Rajpur MLA, Dehradun, Uttarakhand for serving the society during Pandemic.